About the Toolkit
This toolkit provides in-depth resources for organizations and individuals eager to understand the many facets of social justice. We continuously update content from dozens of publications and sources, in order to curate a learning experience that mirrors the changing world. We invite you to explore this toolkit and find resources to help you enact transformative change in your community and workplace. We’re here to help.
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Toolkit FAQ
The toolkit has no beginning or end. We designed a virtual learning space for a diverse membership, so please navigate through the pages most relevant to your needs and goals. If you’re unsure where to start, we suggest the page titled, “Where Do We Begin,” which provides basic information and terminology.
All of the resources exist online, so feel free to share individual articles, videos, and op-eds with whoever. However, we ask that you do not share your password with others. Toolkit access is limited to members.
We update our toolkit frequently in response to changes and events in the world. If there is a particular resource you’re searching for, please email info@socialjusticesynergy.com and we will send you the requested content as soon as possible.
We love when folks want to spread the knowledge they’ve learned! In order to give others access to the toolkit you will need to switch your membership from the individual plan to the business/organization plan. Please email info@socialjusticesynergy.com for more information.