January Newsletter: Know that it is okay to grieve. Resources to help you rest and recharge.


A Word from Iris

The transition to a new year is usually an optimistic time, full of happy moments with those we love, fun festivities, new goals, and warm feelings. But this year, that spirit didn’t last long. In my side conversations, I’m hearing that the deepening oppression in our communities and workplaces – plus fading interest in equity and justice work – has many of us feeling exhausted, anxious, and dejected.

So my message this month is one of encouragement. Know that it is okay to grieve. It is okay to rest and recharge. Most of all, it is okay to be human, and feel the effect of the world around you. Our sense of humanity is a strength and we can use it. We all have power. We all have choices. And we can continue moving toward liberation, even while honoring our pain. Please embrace the resources below for holding on to hope while remaining committed to equity, justice, and liberation work at a difficult time.

Resources to Chew On

Processing Grief



Yes, Politics at the Dinner Table

Events and Community (in D.C. & virtually)

Alix Andal