August Newsletter: What is “quiet quitting?”

I’m just back from a family road trip! We were three, sometimes four generations traveling around, enjoying new experiences with each other. I made awe-inspiring memories and enjoyed the time off, but what stuck with me most was the importance of rest. And not just in the usual contexts, but really holding space and being intentional, and even aggressive, about honoring that need to rest.

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Alix Andal
July Newsletter: Take care and fight back.

Like many of you, when I found out about the supreme court's decision I was disgusted, angered and worried. I was concerned for what life would be like for me, for my children, for my community, for everyone who wants control of their own body. Then the rest of the court’s rulings came down and I felt even more discouraged.

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Alix Andal
May Newsletter: Question “normal.”

I am excited to be in conversation with you all again. Lately I’ve been thinking about accountability, and how part of accountability is showing up; it means being present with your people. So consider this monthly newsletter my way of being accountable to, and for, all of us who are interested in the work of ending oppression.

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Alix Andal